Dr. Ir. Adam Malik, M.Sc


Nama : Dr. Ir. Adam Malik, M.Sc
NIP : 19630306 198803 1003
NIDN Dosen : 006036309
Alamat : Jl. Yodjokodi  No. 1A, Palu
Telepon/HP : (0451) 421032
E-mail : adam_untad@yahoo.co.id
Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : / 06 Maret 1963
Agama : Islam
TMT CPNS : 01-03-1988
Pangkat / Golongan : Pembina Tingkat I, IV/b
Jabatan Fungsional : Lektor Kepala


Strata Institusi Bidang Keahlian Gelar Tahun Lulus
S1 Fakultas Pertanian Jurusan Kehutanan Universitas Hasanudin Makasar Manajemen Hutan Insinyur 1987
Post Graduate ITC Enschede, The Netherlands Remote Sensing Diploma 1992
S2 Georg August University of Goettingen, Germany Manajemen Hutan Magister 1998
S3 Georg August University of Goettingen, Germany Manajemen Hutan Doktor 2002


  1. Study on Composition and Standing Stock in Forest kompleks along S. Mora – S. Karossa South Sulawesi, 1986
  2. The Effect of Mulching and Watering Intensity on Cassia siamea , 1989
  3. The Effect of Soaking Period on Germination and Growth of Ebony Seedling (Diospyros celebica ) 1991
  4. Biophysical Condition Analysis in Academic Based Forest of Tadulako University Tondo Palu, 1991
  5. Monitoring the Environmental Problems with Emphasizes on Land use Changes, Mass Movement and Flooding using Remote Sensing and GIS Approach (Case Study : The Western Part of Bandung Area), 1992
  6. Study an Agro socioeconomic Pattern of Society Life Around The Forest Area in Central Sulawesi, 1993
  7. Waldkundliche- und waldbauliche Untersuchungen ueber Diospyros celebica Bakh. (Ebenholz) in Indonesien, 1998
  8. Untersuchungen ueber waldmess- und waldwachstumkundliche Grundlagen zur Bewirtschaftung der Baumart Diospyros celebica (Ebenholz) in Indonesien, 2002
  9. Vegetation inventory of Natural Feed from Anoa (Bubalus sp) at Lore Lindu National Park in central Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2005



  1. Untersuchungen ueber waldmess- und waldwachstumkundliche Grundlagen zur Bewirtschaftung der Baumart Diospyros celebica Bakh. (Ebenholz) in Indonesien. Cuvillier Verlag Goettingen, 2002. (first author)
  2. Kesesuaian Lahan dan IPTEK Kehutanan dalam Mendukung Program Reboisasi dan Rehabilitasi Hutan di Sulawesi Tengah. Semiloka ; Pemanfaatan Rekayasa Tanaman dalam Pelaksanaan Program Rehabilitasi Hutan dan Lahan di Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Pusat Pengkajian Rehabilitasi Hutan (P2REHUT), 2002 (first author)
  3. Penentuan Bentuk Taper Eboni (Diospyros celebica Bakh.) Menggunakan Fungsi Spline dan Model Kurva Batang Linier. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian Agroland, Vol. 10 No. 1, Maret 2003 (first author)
  4. Management der Baumart Diospyros CelebicaIn Bakh (Ebenholz) in Indonesien. In: The 4th International Symposium-cum-Workshop “Food Security and Sustainable Resource Management in a Market Economy: Challenges and Options” Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics No. 80. Kassel University Press GMBH, 2004. (first author)
  5. Management of Rainforest Margin by Using Land Use Integrating Models (Case study in Central Sulawesi) In: Proceeding of Mini Workshop South East Asia Germany Alumni on Developing Applicable Strategies for Improving the Sustainability of Dry Land Agriculture Systems. Purwokerto-Indonesia, May 24-26th, 2004. (first author)
  6. Participatory in Wildlife Conservation in Central Sulawesi Indonesia (Case Study of Anoa Conservation). In: Proceedings of The 5th International Symposium-cum-Workshop “The Role of German Alumni in Rural/Regional Development and Entrepreneurship ” Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics No. 83. Kassel University Press GMBH, 2004. (first-author)
  7. Intensification Model for Cultivation System of Natural Feed from Anoa (Bubalus sp) in Advance of Wildlife Conservation. In: Proceedings International Symposium “The Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins: Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints of Land Use and Conservation”. Georg August University of Goettingen. Germany, 19-23th of September 2005. (co-author).
  8. Mapping deforestation and land cover conversion at the rainforest margin in central Sulawesi, Indonesia. EARSel e Proceeding 3, 3/2004 (co-author).
  9. Forest Structure as Influenced by Different Types of Community Forestry in a Lower mountain Rainforest of Central Sulawesi. In: Proceedings International Symposium “The Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins: Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints of Land Use and Conservation”. Georg August University of Goettingen. Germany, 19-23th of September 2005. (co-author).
  10. Proceedings International Symposium “The Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins: Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints of Land Use and Conservation”. Georg August University of Goettingen. Germany, 19-23th of September 2005 (Editors)



  1. The 4th International Symposium-cum-Workshop “Food Security and Sustainable Resource Management in a Market Economy: Challenges and Options” by SEAG, Chiang Mai University and the University Consortium Georg-August-University Göttingen, University of Kassel and Philipps University Marburg. Chiang Mai, Thailand, October 13 – 17, 2003.
  2. Mini Workshop South East Asia Germany Alumni on Developing Applicable Strategies for Improving the Sustainability of Dry Land Agriculture Systems. Purwokerto-Indonesia, May 24-26th, 2004.
  3. The 5th International Symposium-cum-Workshop “The Role of German Alumni in Rural/Regional Development and Entrepreneurship ” by SEAG, Royal Agricultural University and the University Consortium Georg-August-University Göttingen, University of Kassel and Philipps University Marburg. Phnom Penh, August 23 – 27, 2004.
  4. German Alumni Workshop “Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable” at Cendrawasih University, Jayapura, 2004
  5. Summer School : Chances and Challenges of Plantation Forestry in Asia and Europe. From 26 September – 8 October, 2005 at the Georg-August-University of Goettingen, Germany.
  6. Lokal Workshop “National Capacity Self-Assesment Project (NCSA)” kerjasam antara Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Bappedalda Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2005.
  7. International Symposium “The Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins: Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints of Land Use and Conservation”. Georg August University of Goettingen. Germany, 19-23th of September 2005.
  8. International Conference on Coastal and Disaster Management at The Centre for Coral Reef Research Hasanuddin University Makassar, 2006
  9. Workshop Registry untuk Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim di Indonesia: Kasus Spesifik REDD+ dan NAMAs .Jakarta, 26 Juli 2013
  10. Workshop Penyiapan Submisi LULUCF dan REDD+ . Jakarta, 27 December , 2013



  1. Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia (Indonesian Student Association) Goettingen Jerman, periode 1997-1998 (Ketua)
  2. Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia (Indonesian Student Association) Pusat Jerman, periode 1997-1998 (Ketua Kerjasama Luar Negeri)
  3. Praktek Umum/Magang Mahasiswa Jurusan Kehutanan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tadulako, 2002 s/d 2008 (Koordinator)
  4. Pusat Pengkajian Rehabilitasi Hutan pada Pusat Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Tadulako, 2002 s/d 2008 (Ketua)
  5. Centre for Tropical Rainforest Margin (Pusat Pengkajian Hutan Hujan Tropis dan Lingkungan) di Universitas Tadulako, 2003 s/d 2008 (Ketua)
  6. Kusyin Ryu Karate Indonesia (KKI) Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2003 s/d sekarang (Ketua Harian)
  7. Central Sulawesi Integrated Area Development and Conservation Project (CSIADCP), 2003 (Agriculture Advisor/Konsultan Pertanian)
  8. Kerjasama Penelitian antara Universitas Goettingen Jerman, Universitas Kassel Jerman, IPB Bogor dan Universitas Tadulako Palu tentang Stability of Rainforest Margin (STORMA) di Sekitar Taman National Lore Lindu Sulawesi Tengah, 2003 s/d 2008 (Koordinator)
  9. Tim Teknis Penilai Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah Tahun 2008 (Bidang Kehutanan)
  10. Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah Periode 2008 s/d 2013 (Ketua)
  11. Wakil Dekan Bidang Kemahasiswaan Fakultas Kehutanan Universitas Tadulako Tahun 2014 s/d sekarang



  1. Pendidikan Dasar (Diksar) Resimen Mahasiswa di Pakkatto, Sulawesi Selatan, 1984
  2. Penataran P-4 Pola 45 Jam, BP-7 Sulawesi Selatan, Tahun 1985
  3. Penataran Calon Fasilitator Permainan Simulasi, BP-7 Sulawesi Selatan, Tahun 1985
  4. Kursus Singkat Bioteknologi Hutan, Fakultas Kehutanan UGM, Tahun 1990
  5. Remote Sensing (Interpretasi Foto udara dan Citra Satelite), International Institute for Remote Sensing and Earth Science, Enschede. Belanda Tahun 1991
  6. Kursus Bahasa Jerman (Deutsch als Fremdsprache /ZDaF) di Goethe Institut Jakarta, sejak Agustus1994 s/d Maret 1995
  7. Kursus Bahasa Jerman (DSH) di Goethe Institute Bremen, Jerman sejak April 1995 s/d September 1995


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